Shopify Developers - Exploding Ideas

PLUS - an exploding trend and some great business ideas

Happy Sunday,

This week we took another poll on Twitter to hear what you wanted to learn about. This trend is really interesting. It’s exploding outside the US now that emerging markets are getting to experience ecommerce.

On a side note - for those of you that are business owners interested in the Reddit Strategy, the course will be out next Sunday. I’m going to introduce the first 10 buyers to my VA that helped grow Exploding Ideas on Reddit.

Now let’s get into it…

In this week's Exploding Ideas

  • This weeks exploding idea: Shopify developers are a booming

  • New business ideas: 3 Shopify developer businesses you can create

  • Here’s what I’m reading: 2 articles and 1 book I’m reading this week to level up my skills

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Read time: 4 min 56 sec

Exploding Idea: Shopify Developers

Over the past decade, the ecommerce sector has seen unprecedented growth, propelling companies like Shopify into the limelight. Businesses built on Shopify, such as Native deodorant, have experienced 9-figure exits, further emphasizing the platform's attractiveness.

More recently, social media conversations, particularly on Twitter, have indicated a slowdown in the U.S. ecommerce market, citing the chart above.

Interestingly, this is not the case globally.

In countries like Pakistan, Shopify and ecommerce in general, are booming, this suggests that the U.S. perspective is not a global truth.

Storeleads data

According to Storeleads data, countries outside the U.S., most notably Pakistan, are witnessing an ecommerce explosion.

With the entry of giants like Amazon and a 25% quarter-over-quarter increase in Shopify stores in Q3 2023, the opportunity for Shopify developers is more significant than ever.

As the future moves towards increased global internet access and cheaper, more sustainable energy solutions, investing in global ecommerce infrastructure businesses in emerging markets are likely long-term assets.

Ahrefs data indicates a low Keyword Difficulty for search terms like "shopify expert" and "shopify SEO expert," showing that the space is ripe for entry (we’ll share the exact data in the Tuesday Deep Dive).

By treating these search terms as digital real estate and investing in content and SEO, you can start generating leads in a matter of weeks. You can then sell these leads to development agencies or hire freelancers to fulfill the service, pocketing the margin. Such an approach offers a sustainable way to capitalize on the global ecommerce boom.

How To Become The Shopify Landlord:

  1. Content Generation: Use ChatGPT-4 to create 40 educational articles that focus on Shopify-specific SEO, establishing topical authority.

  2. SEO Optimization: Use tools like to further optimize these articles for better ranking.

  3. Website Launch: Establish a website with a focus on Shopify SEO services. Once ranked, the site can serve as a lead generation tool.

  4. Lead Management: Initially, outsource the generated leads to SEO freelancers. Alternatively, rent out the website to agencies wanting to capture 100% of the leads for a rental fee.

Learn how to monetize this trend in the Deep Dive (link here)

Business Idea #1

Business Name: SEO Estate Industry: SEO Lead Generation in Ecommerce

Infrastructure Problem: There is a rising need for businesses to outperform competitors in search engine rankings. However, these businesses often don't have the expertise or resources to manage effective SEO strategies.

Solution: SEO Estate would act as a digital real estate landlord that owns and rents out top-ranking websites for specific, high-demand keywords related to ecommerce and Shopify development. These sites would generate qualified leads, which would then be "rented" out to ecommerce agencies or individual Shopify developers.

Competitive Advantage: The primary competitive advantage for SEO Estate lies in its unique rental model that minimizes risks for clients. Businesses in emerging markets can effectively "test the waters" with premium SEO-generated leads without committing to a large, upfront investment. This flexibility allows them to adjust their budgets and lead inflow according to fluctuating market conditions, giving them a dynamic advantage over competitors who are locked into fixed contracts. In addition, the focus on emerging markets positions SEO Estate as a pioneer in untapped, high-growth areas, making it a go-to solution as ecommerce continues to boom globally.

Business Idea #2

Business Name: RankLease Hub

Industry: SEO and Lead Generation for Ecommerce-related Legal Services

Problem: Specialized legal firms in this sector often lack the SEO expertise to connect with ecommerce businesses needing their services.

Solution: RankLease Hub would operate as a digital landlord, owning high-ranking websites optimized for keywords related to ecommerce legal services. These websites will generate leads that could then be leased to law firms specializing in ecommerce.

Competitive Advantage: The uniqueness of RankLease Hub lies in its niche focus on legal services for the ecommerce industry. While general SEO firms might generate leads for a wide range of sectors, RankLease Hub specializes in understanding the complexities and particular needs of legal matters in ecommerce. This specialization allows for highly targeted and qualified leads, which in turn leads to higher conversion rates for our clients. The digital property leasing model allows for a scalable business with lower overhead, positioning RankLease Hub for rapid profitability and long-term success.

Business Idea #3

Business Name: ShopiLeads

Industry: Ecommerce Operations Lead Generation

Problem: There's a rising demand for specialized operational solutions, from inventory management to customer service. Many ecommerce businesses, especially in emerging markets, are struggling to find qualified service providers in these operational domains.

Solution: ShopiLeads would act as a digital marketplace that links ecommerce businesses with vetted providers of specialized operational services. Using a high-ranking website optimized for keywords related to ecommerce operations, ShopiLeads would generate leads for these service providers.

Competitive Advantage: The strength of ShopiLeads is in its dual-focus on both lead quality and service variety within ecommerce operations. Unlike other lead generation services, ShopiLeads specifically targets the ecommerce sector and curates a range of operation-focused service providers. This ensures that businesses not only find solutions quickly but also find services tailored to the unique challenges of ecommerce. This specialized focus allows for the development of a more refined and efficient linking algorithm, thus reducing the time to match and increasing the value of each lead.

🤑Organic Traffic Tutorials

  • How to launch your brand on Reddit (link)

  • How to add custom charts to your website/newsletter (link)

  • Watch me launch a brand and get subscribers in 5 minutes (link)

  • Easily monetize signups to your newsletter (link)

📚What I’m Reading

  • Elon Musk Biography (link)

  • 15 Fastest Rising Google Searches September 2023 (link)

  • 40 Most Engaged Subreddits in September 2023 (link)

Thanks for reading!

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