Custom Air Fresheners - Exploding Idea

PLUS - an exploding trend and some great business ideas

Happy Sunday,

This week we have the perfect example of a boring business that prints money. A business in the US has made over $3,000,000 on the product and now there’s a developing opportunity for the product in Australia that has yet to be tapped.

Now let’s get into it…

In this week's Exploding Ideas

  • This weeks exploding idea: Custom Air Fresheners are booming

  • New business ideas: 3 Custom Air Freshener businesses you can start

  • Here’s what I’m reading: 2 articles and 1 book I’m reading this week to level up my skills

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Read time: 3 min 21 sec

Exploding Idea: Custom Air Fresheners

Custom air fresheners, a niche yet increasingly popular product has been growing since 2018.

They have become desired for their versatility, serving as personalized gifts, business branding tools, and souvenirs.

In Australia, this product category presents an untapped opportunity.

The current market leaders in Australia, such as, have extremely weak SEO profiles despite their top rankings on Google.

This gap in the market tells us that in Australia specifically, there’s a lack of strong competitors in the market.

For example, as you can see in the screenshot above, is getting thousands of website visitors a month in Australia and has one of the weakest SEO profiles for a business that we’ve ever seen.

To understand how much money could be made on this type of business, we looked into U.S.-based company,

Their sales figures suggest a substantial market demand. Based on their pricing and sales, they have made over $3 million since inception (breakdown is in the Deep Dive).

This success story highlights the profitability of what seems like a mundane product.

Australian Market Opportunity:

The Australian market shows a linear increase in search volume for custom air fresheners, yet the competition remains minimal. The top website in this niche,, achieves significant organic traffic with minimal backlinks and a limited keyword range. This scenario presents a straightforward opportunity for new entrants to establish a dominant online presence with basic SEO efforts, such as acquiring a few quality backlinks and targeting relevant keywords through a blog or enhanced product pages.

How to Start:

For entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on this opportunity, the initial steps would be to set up a targeted website and implement a strategic SEO plan. The focus should be on establishing authority in the custom air freshener niche in Australia, a goal achievable given the current competition landscape. The business model can be flexible, ranging from DIY production to partnering with manufacturers once you tap into market traffic and demand.

The custom air freshener market in Australia represents a clear gap ripe for exploitation, especially for entrepreneurs skilled in SEO and online marketing. With the right approach, this product category could make you millions of dollars.

Learn how to monetize this trend in the Deep Dive (link here)

Business Idea #1

Name: FreshScent Innovations

Industry: Custom Air Fresheners

Problem: The custom air freshener market, especially in Australia, lacks strong competition with effective online presence and SEO optimization. Despite the growing demand for personalized products, including air fresheners, consumers face limited choices in terms of variety, customization options, and easy online accessibility.

Solution: FreshScent Innovations aims to fill this gap by offering a wide range of customizable air fresheners through an easy-to-use, SEO-optimized e-commerce platform. The product range includes hanging paper air fresheners, vent clip-ons, spray bottles, and sophisticated options like electronic or reed diffusers. The customization possibilities will be extensive, allowing customers to choose specific fragrances, designs, and messages, catering to both personal use and business branding purposes.

Competitive Advantage: The primary competitive advantage of FreshScent Innovations lies in its strong online presence, driven by a strategic SEO and digital marketing approach. Unlike existing competitors with weak SEO profiles, FreshScent Innovations will prioritize ranking high on search engines for relevant keywords. This approach will ensure high visibility and organic traffic, leading to quick market penetration and customer acquisition. Additionally, the focus on a user-friendly website and customer experience, combined with high-quality, diverse product offerings, will set FreshScent Innovations apart in the market.

Business Idea #2

Name: PawsAroma

Industry: Custom Pet-Themed Air Fresheners

Problem: The market for custom air fresheners is expanding, but there's a noticeable lack of niche-focused products, especially catering to pet owners. Dog lovers, in particular, seek unique ways to celebrate their pets and incorporate their love for them into everyday items. There is an untapped demand for custom air fresheners that allow pet owners to personalize products with images of their pets or pet-themed designs.

Solution: PawsAroma addresses this gap by offering custom dog-themed air fresheners. These air fresheners can be personalized with photos of customers' dogs, alongside a choice of fragrances that are both pet-friendly and appealing to pet owners. The product range includes various forms like hanging air fresheners for cars, spray bottles for home use, and portable options for personal spaces. PawsAroma combines the love for pets with the need for pleasant scents, creating a unique product in the custom air freshener market.

Competitive Advantage: PawsAroma's competitive edge lies in its niche focus – catering specifically to dog owners. This specialization will resonate with a dedicated customer base of pet enthusiasts. The business will leverage a strong online presence, with an SEO-optimized website and targeted social media marketing, especially on platforms frequented by pet owners, like Instagram and pet forums. Additionally, partnerships with pet-related businesses and presence in pet stores can further enhance its market reach. The use of non-toxic, pet-safe materials will also be a significant selling point, ensuring the safety and well-being of pets.

Business Idea #3

Name: FaceLaughs

Industry: Custom Humorous Air Fresheners

Problem: While the custom air freshener market is diverse, it lacks products that cater to a sense of humor and personalized fun. Consumers seeking unique and humorous personal or gift items, particularly those that merge personal images with amusing elements, have limited options. There's a market niche for air fresheners that are not just functional but also serve as conversation starters and display a lighter, playful side.

Solution: FaceLaughs aims to fill this void by offering custom air fresheners featuring customers' faces on various funny and whimsical bodies. These air fresheners will merge personalization with humor, providing a distinctive product for those looking to add a personal and lighthearted touch to their cars, homes, or offices. Customers can upload photos of their faces, and choose from a range of humorous body designs – from superhero figures to cartoonish characters. The product will be available in various scents, shapes, and sizes, appealing to a wide audience looking for both fun and functionality in air fresheners.

Competitive Advantage: The unique selling proposition of FaceLaughs is its blend of personalization with humor. By offering a product that's not just personalized but also playfully amusing, FaceLaughs will stand out in the custom air freshener market. The company will leverage an SEO-optimized website and engaging social media campaigns, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where visual humor thrives. Collaborations with influencers in the comedy and entertainment sectors could also enhance brand visibility and appeal. Furthermore, ensuring a simple, user-friendly interface for uploading images and selecting designs will enhance customer experience, encouraging repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

🤑Organic Traffic Tutorials

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📚What I’m Reading

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