How to cash in on the trend

Happy Tuesday,

Let’s dive deeper into the emergent trend we introduced on Sunday, exploring the opportunities at the intersection of health, wellness, fitness, and technology.

This trend is rapidly evolving and holds the potential to significantly impact various sectors such as healthcare, fitness, tech, and consumer goods, marking the beginning of a wellness revolution.

Let’s get into it…

Read time: 17 minutes 34 sec

Exploding Niche: Body Optimization

Lately I've been hearing a lot of commotion about Red Light Therapy.

Popular social media influencers like Alex Becker and Joe Rogan have mentioned it, but I had not previously done much research on the trend until a friend had suggested it to me about 5 days ago.

The recommendation was out of the blue, and in an effort to get a full understanding of why my friend was recommending it, he mentioned that I check out Bryan Johnson to learn more.

Initially skeptical, I decided to research the trend by first heading to Google trends.

As you can see from the trend graph above, this trend is absolutely booming.

Red Light Therapy is part of a larger trend based around body optimization, anti-aging and longevity.

If you have an interest in health and wellness, I believe this is going to be a great opportunity to capitalize on a new emerging trend that’s arising from a behavioral shift and new technological advancements that are arising from research being done in a way that was not previously done.

Note: Before getting into it, this is a report on a trend, not on whether people should or should not follow Bryan or his practices. I believe there is opportunity in this niche, but these are not my personal medical views, they’re simply what I've found while doing research.

If you have an interest in health, wellness, fitness, food products, supplements or any other categorically relevant opportunities, you’ll want to continue reading as this could be your billion dollar opportunity.

Let’s get into it…

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