Amazon Product Tester - Exploding Idea

PLUS - an exploding side hustle and some great business ideas

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In this week's Exploding Ideas

  • This weeks exploding idea: Amazon Product Tester’s are booming.

  • New business ideas: 3 Amazon Product Tester businesses you can start

  • Here’s what I’m reading: 1 book I’m reading this week to level up my skills

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Exploding Idea: Amazon Product Tester

Amazon Product Testing is becoming a super popular side hustle.

An Amazon Product Tester is someone who reviews products obtained either for free or at a discount, primarily to boost product visibility on Amazon.

Testers provide valuable feedback for brands, influencing potential buyers.

Here’s How It Works:

  1. Becoming an Amazon Product Tester:

    • Officially, people can join the Amazon Vine program (invite-only).

    • Unofficially, platforms like Vipon or Rebaid offer free or heavily discounted products (up to 90% off) in exchange for Amazon reviews.

  2. Reviewing and Reselling:

    • After receiving the product, testers write an Amazon review.

    • They then resell the product on eBay or similar platforms, at a profit due to the initial low or zero cost.

This model is attractive because of the potential for immediate profit, which is generating $3,000+ a month for devoted product testers.

The boom in this side hustle's popularity is driven by instructional content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. The surge has led to an increase in Amazon Product Testing websites and content creation around the concept. However, it's important to exercise caution due to the emergence of scams under the guise of product testing opportunities.

The Opportunity

This trend presents several opportunities.

  • Keyword Potential: Terms like "Amazon product tester" and "Product tester jobs" are showing significant search volume with low competition on Google, indicating a ripe market for businesses in this space.

  • Business Ideas: Potential ideas include creating a product tester marketplace, a job board for product testers, a platform catering to influencers for product testing, and adapting the concept for emerging platforms like TikTokShop.

With the current trend and demand, now is an opportune time to explore this exploding idea as it continues to grow with the Amazon market.

Learn how to monetize this trend in the Deep Dive (link here)

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Business Idea #1

Name: TestLaunch

Industry: E-commerce and Online Retail, specifically Amazon Product Testing

Problem: The current landscape of Amazon product testing is disjointed, with a lack of centralized platforms connecting Amazon sellers with reliable product testers. This fragmentation creates challenges for sellers seeking genuine reviews to enhance product visibility and credibility, and for testers looking for legitimate, profitable testing opportunities. The absence of a streamlined, trustworthy platform leads to inefficiencies and potential compliance issues with Amazon's review policies, hindering both parties' success.

Solution: TestLaunch addresses these issues by establishing a comprehensive marketplace that bridges the gap between Amazon sellers and vetted product testers. The platform simplifies the product testing process, ensuring it adheres to Amazon's review guidelines. For sellers, TestLaunch offers access to a pool of credible testers, enhancing their product's market presence with authentic reviews. For testers, the platform provides a reliable source of legitimate product testing opportunities, along with tools and resources to facilitate effective reviewing.

Business Idea #2

Name: SafeTest Hub

Industry: E-commerce Support and Consumer Advocacy

Problem: The burgeoning field of Amazon product testing is riddled with challenges such as the presence of illegitimate offers, lack of transparency, and potential security risks for testers. There's a significant gap in providing a safe, transparent, and efficient environment for individuals looking to engage in product testing as a side hustle. For Amazon sellers, finding trustworthy and reliable testers to generate authentic feedback is equally challenging, impeding their ability to improve product visibility and trustworthiness.

Solution: SafeTest Hub offers a secure, user-friendly platform that connects Amazon sellers with vetted product testers. This platform ensures the legitimacy and safety of testing opportunities, providing a transparent process for both parties. For testers, SafeTest Hub offers a curated list of legitimate testing opportunities, along with resources and guidance to conduct effective and compliant reviews. For Amazon sellers, it offers access to a pool of reliable testers, aiding in building product credibility and customer trust.

Business Idea #3

Name: Influencer Test Connect

Industry: Influencer Marketing and E-commerce Collaboration

Problem: There's a growing need in the e-commerce sector, especially on platforms like Amazon, for a systematic approach to connect sellers with influencers for product testing and reviews. While many influencers are eager to collaborate with brands, finding the right match in terms of product alignment and audience relevance can be challenging. Similarly, Amazon sellers often struggle to efficiently identify and engage with suitable influencers who can provide authentic, impactful reviews and endorsements.

Solution: Influencer Test Connect addresses this gap by creating a specialized platform that facilitates partnerships between Amazon sellers and influencers. This platform will serve as a matchmaking service, aligning products with influencers whose audience and content style are most relevant. Influencer Test Connect will offer tools for sellers to define their target demographics and product categories, and for influencers to showcase their niche and reach. The platform will also ensure compliance with Amazon's policies regarding influencer reviews and endorsements.

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